厄瓜多爾恐喪失外銷歐盟免關稅優惠據Atuna報導,厄瓜多爾與歐盟貿易協定續約協商若破局,銷往歐洲的鮪罐恐無法再享免關稅優惠。即將於2013年底到期的普遍化優惠關稅制度(GSP+),提供多太平洋房屋達7,000種厄瓜多爾商品(含鮪罐)享免關稅優惠;厄瓜多爾有約六成的加工鮪魚銷往歐盟市場。厄瓜多爾遺憾三年前選擇脫離歐盟現與哥倫比亞、祕魯簽訂著重版權、公眾採購,特別針對商業貿易帛琉及重視各國相關利益等較深遠議題之多國貿易聯盟協定。輿論認為倘要歐盟回心轉意,得先由不認同布魯塞爾釋出雙邊自由貿易協定條件的厄瓜多總統放下身段示好才有轉機。(摘譯自INFOFISH 術後面膜Trade News No. 6/2012,2 April 2012) Ecuador: Ecuador could lose duty free access for its canned tuna in Europe if negotiations to renew its trade agreement with the 西服European Union (EU) fails, reports Atuna. Currently, Ecuador has a duty-free scheme for about 7,000 products, including canned tuna, under The Generalized System of 小型辦公室Preferences (GSP Plus) agreement which is scheduled to expire at the end of 2013. Ecuador wants to rejoin the Multiparty Trade Association Agreement with the EU, an 設計裝潢agreement that the country left three years ago. This multiparty agreement already exists between the EU, Colombia, and Peru and focuses on broader issues such as 長灘島copyright and public procurement and specifically addresses the business trade aspect and defines benefits according to the countries involved. Brussels, however, is 租辦公室signaling a move towards a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which the Ecuadorian President opposes. The chance for Ecuador to succeed is said to be slim after the 東森房屋country abandoned it before. Around 60% of tuna processed in Ecuador is exported to the EU markets.

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